O sensível, delicado e bem construído trabalho da fotógrafa Fabíola Masson chegou no momento de se reposicionar, pensando na atualidade e no futuro, com características que conectem as pessoas com o que realmente faz sentido para ela, registrar as histórias de famílias. E esse insight foi o maestro que trouxe a paleta de cores viva, as fontes orgânicas e lúdicas, além do minimalismo e muito carinho.
The sensitive, delicate and well-built work of photographer Fabíola Masson arrived at the moment of repositioning herself, thinking about the present and the future, with characteristics that connect people with what really makes sense to her, recording family stories. And that insight was the conductor who brought the color palette alive, the organic and playful sources, in addition to minimalism and a lot of affection.

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